Create some amazing memories for your family with a treehouse!
Adult and Kids Tree Houses, Platforms, Tree Decks, Bridges and Ziplines!

We are committed to achieving sainthood by being Backyard treehouse creators!
You probably want to know a bit about us if you're going to work with us so here we are in our full, unadulterated, unfiltered, uncensored form.
Follow....... Connect....... Beware........
Bryan - aka - "The Boss"
Dan - aka - "Workman"
Jacob - aka - "The Kid"
We'll let the work speak for itself.
No hard sell.
No spin.
Plenty of creative thinking and doing.
We'll work smart and hard for you so you look AWESOME...........Awesome as in the coolest kid at school kind of way
Prime Time Treehouses Needs YOU!
Like the Bacon to the Egg, we need great clients to make great things happen.
We think we should work together.
So let's talk a bit about you and your tree house!
We attended the
2015, 2016, 2017 world treehouse builders conference
and learned so much about building amazing and strong treehouses, bridges and ziplines.
We were taught by the best for 4 days at out and about treehouse resort by Michael Garnier from the treehouse guys tv show - and the inventor of the treehouse attachment bolts and hardware. And from Pete nelson from treehouse masters tv show and his crew!
We will also be in the background on an episode of treehouse guys next season....
And in the treehouse dreamers video on youtube!
1. I tried to be normal once....worst 5 minutes of my life.
2. I believe in bigfoot.....PERIOD.
3. I swear to god I'm probably the best dang meat eater in the world!
4. I guarantee you'll be my new best friend so text me every 5 minutes....Ok?
5. Aside from treehouse building other job is fun too!!
Check it out
1. I lost my mind but it's backed up on a flash drive somewhere. I think?
2.If you can't find me on your jobsite.....I likely snuck out and went fishing....yeah I'm awesome like that.
3. I'm a human. Being.
4. I'm a caffeine dependent lifeform!
5. Currently working towards an MBA with emphasis in fantasy football.
1. I love school. Except for the learning part.
yeah......That part gotta go.
2. When life gives you throw them at people!!
3. My superpower is making chocolate disappear.
4. Me jog?.....Please, if you see me running, you better run too.....cause somethings chasing me!
5. If you think I'm screwed should see the rest of my family!